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Results from Gunwiki web retrieved at 16:40 (-0500)

Magazine Types in Various Weapon Systems All weapons capable of firing multiple rounds through a single barrel without reloading have a magazine of some sort. This...
Standards in Optic Mounts Standard Mounting Platforms Slotted Accessory Rails There are two standards in slotted accessory rails. One of them is the Picatinny,...
About Punches With the assistance of rssslvr, from Calguns Punches are tools which consist of a fairly wide striking surface at one end, and a narrower surface on...
About Standard Scope Rings Modern scope rings typically fit onto a Weaver or Picatinny rail, and come in either 30mm or 1` diameter. However, some specialty scopes...
About the Kel Tec SU 16 Line The Kel Tec SU 16 is quite popular in California, where it was (until the advent of Off List Lowers) the closest thing to a true detachable...
PROCEDURES TO MODIFY WEAPON ACCESSORIES MAGAZINES Desert Eagle 50cal mag follower replacements Modifying a CZ 52 magazine for 9 round capacity Modifying...
Sights Faded sight paint cleaning faded/dingy sight markings. Painting new markings on sights Giving AR 15s that `Evil Black Rifle` look CLP is used...
Analysis of the Rock River Arms 9mm System A good friend recently gave me an opportunity to borrow his 9mm AR upper so that I could figure out exactly how it worked...
Analysis of the Kel Tec SU 16 For other SU 16 related articles, visit AboutSu16 Recently, I have been more and more bothered by the fact I`ve never actually taken...
Analysis of the Promag AR 15 Steel 10rd Flush Fit Magazine This is part of the STANAG Magazine Comparison series. Promag Steel 10rd flush fit magazine While I tend...
The HK High Reliability Steel AR Magazine This is part of the STANAG Magazine Comparison series. HK Steel Magazines As you may notice, the HK magazine spring retention...
Analysis of a Magpul Windowed Pmag This is part of the STANAG Magazine Comparison series. Magpul, best known for its durable polymer AR 15 accessories, introduced...
Analysis of a Sig Sauer 30rd Magazine This is part of the STANAG Magazine Comparison series. Sig Sauer has been putting out STANAG magazines lately, to go with their...
The Anatomy of a Bullet This would have been, more correctly, referred to as `The Anatomy of a Round`. However, `bullet` seems to flow better, so I hope you`ll permit...
Article Index by Gun RIFLES AK 47 Building, 922(r) reference, Comparison vs Saiga, About Bulgarian AK`s, AK 47 Markings AR 15 Main AR 15 Page, Building...
Barrels and Crowns The crown is the part of the barrel immediately inside of what would be called the `business end` of the gun in question. It`s the terminal end...
How to Inspect a Barrel CoyoteKiller, of, states: Take a good bore light with you and it will be no problem to spot a bad bore. The critical area to...
About Bore Lights Bore lights are available through a number of vendors. As of Dec 2005, SocalGuns had them for $6 in store, and I understand that Wal Mart sells...
About Bore Oil Bore Oil is simply oil meant to lubricate and protect the metal on your gun or in the barrel from corrosion. There are many different varieties for...
About Bore Snakes The Bore Snake is a fancy, weighted cord produced by Hoppes, available in various sizes ranging from 22 caliber to 12 gauge. Cleaning is greatly...
About Bore Solvent Bore solvent is a liquid cleaner which dissolves away powder and other deposits from the rifling of the barrel, the action, or any other place on...
Choosing your Receiver and Parts Kit As a Californian, I`m not very familiar with the majority of receiver brands only the ones we can have in California. Anyone...
Preparing a Parts Kit for Installation Overview AK parts kits tend to come in a big box, having been demilled to BATF specifications. While some parts kit suppliers...
AK Trigger Guard rivet removal guide Tools used: Roto Zip RZ 20 (has a right angle grinder, invaluable in this) A set of pointy steel punches and one drift...
Finishing an AK 47 build The manufacturers of domestically produced AK 47 receivers generally choose to err on the side of caution where the dimensions are concerned...
Single vs Double Hook Triggers This information was obtained from Harlan of Nodak Spud, by Bladewurk of Calguns The trigger slot dimension is basically the same...
Final assembly of an AK 47 This is just a placeholder, but 7/32` E clips will hold the fire control group pins in place. However, you`re better off buying the L shaped...
Tools Used to Build an AK 47 Most guys have most of these tools lying around, however some guys had to discover that they need a lot more tools to get the job done...
922(r) Worksheet for AK 47 Builds Also, see the main 922(r) page For Saiga rifles and shotguns, please also see the Saiga rifle and Saiga shotgun pages, but keep...
Preparing your AR parts for assembly Many folks recommend soaking your AR 15 lower parts kit overnight with CLP before the assembly. Not only does it lubricate them...
Verifying 922(r) Compliance on a FAL build Also, see the main 922(r) page Before entering into the meat of this article, I`d like to thank`s users TheMan...
922(r) Worksheet for G3/CETME builds See also: Sporting vs Non Sporting Firearms The United States has a lovely bit of import law, Title 18 USC ...
922(r) Worksheet for MKA 1919 builds and Various Clones See also: Sporting vs Non Sporting Firearms, ATF Correspondence Archive on the Akdal MKA 1919 The United...
922(r) Worksheet for MP5 builds and Various Clones See also: Sporting vs Non Sporting Firearms The United States has a lovely bit of import law, Title 18 USC ...
Verifying 922(r) Compliance on an SKS The United States has a lovely bit of import law, which prevents most of the more interesting rifle designs from being directly...
922(r) Worksheet for Saiga Shotguns Also, see the main 922(r) page Also, see the Saiga rifle 922(r) page Also, see the ATF Letters on Saiga parts count This...
922(r) Worksheet for Saiga Rifles Also, see the main 922(r) page Also, see the Saiga shotgun 922(r) page This chart is for Saiga Rifles ONLY. The Shotgun is...
922(r) Worksheet for HK UMP / USC builds See also: Sporting vs Non Sporting Firearms DRAFT STATUS ONLY!!! Do not rely upon this page yet, it has NOT been vetted...
Building Guns from Parts In America, it`s generally still legal to assemble your own firearms from readily available components. Folks mostly do it for legal or financial...
About CLP CLP stands for `Clean, Lubricate, Protect`. It originated from a military specification for lubrication, cleaning, and corrosion resistance. There are...
CZ 97B Grip Screw Problems The CZ 97B is a 45 caliber semi automatic big brother to the reliable CZ 75B pistol. One well known and frequently lamented issue with...
Transfer FFLs for Off List Rifles in CA This list is absolutely, by no means, an authoritative list of all FFLs willing to transfer off list rifles in California....
This is one of the more contentious issues in California law. On one extreme, we have the optimists who believe that the only thing which matters is that you have...
People v. Clark (1996) 45 Cal.App.4th 1147 , 53 Cal.Rptr.2d 99 Micro note: This was the `is it loaded?` case. This article needs to be written, but at least a citation...
People v. Rooney, 17 Cal.App.4th 1207 (1 Dist. 1993) In this case the California court of appeals decides that for purposes of California law, a rifle with a folding...
Back in the 1990s, Calico Light Weapons Systems introduced a line of guns. Their distinctive feature was being fed by helical magazines, which held the promise of...
This presumes that you have first performed the bench checklist for your rifle, and now have it at a shooting range for live fire. This checklist is focused primarily...
This is a QC checklist for AR 15 lowers. It is primarily slanted to the evaluation of 80% AR 15 lowers, but it may be used on any lowers. A while back, I posted that...
Bench Checklists QC Checklist for an AR 15 Lower Live Fire Checklists Live Fire Checklist for an AR 15 SeanNewton 03 Jan 2014
Periodic Checkup Procedures This is not for regular, ordinary cleaning it`s meant for things every gun owner should check every now and then, perhaps every few thousand...
Chiappa`s `Rhino` revolver is an oddity which has drawn my interest for a while. Like the legendary Italian Mateba auto revolver, the Rhino is a revolver where the...
Cleaning the CZ V 22 AR 15 upper I`ve read about near constant jamming from the V 22 upper on various online forums, but for quite some time, mine never had a single...
About Cleaning Brushes A cleaning brush is a cylindrical shaped brush, usually made of bronze/brass or nylon, which is designed to slide down the barrel of your gun...
About Cleaning Patches A cleaning patch is a small piece of soft material like t shirt material (highly recommend buying the t shirt type cleaning patches at Walmart...
Cleaning Rods A cleaning rod is simply a long thin piece of metal, usually with a handle, which is used to push and pull patches and brushes through the barrel of...
Tools of Gun Owners and Gunsmiths Some assistance by Spiggy, of Calguns See also: Firearms Measurement Tools The list below is separated into a number of categories...
A Comparison of Various STANAG Magazines STANAG magazines were first developed for the Armalite AR 15, which was first released over 50 years ago. Over the course...
Ordnance is a Michigan based company which produces a lot of 37mm and 40mm launcher systems. Articles on Sage Ordnance products `Deuce` over/under 37mm / 40mm...
CLEANING COSMOLINE FROM YOUR SKS By Galahad, of SKSboards The most important task relative to Cosmoline cleaning is to memorize and then continue to repeat to yourself...
Curio And Relic Licenses C R is a broad classification which covers all the types of guns which you can purchase with a Type 03 Federal Firearms License issued by...
Curio And Relic Discount Reference A lot of gun buyers spend a fair amount of time on the internet pricing around to get bargains. Probably the most readily available...
About Deniers `1000 denier`, `1600 denier`, etc, appears a lot in tactical clothing. It`s a measure of density, which is itself a measure of weight. A one denier...
This directory of manufacturers is being undertaken because there are a lot of manufacturers which don`t have domain names you can obviously infer from their brand...
Definition: DOJ In a GunWiki context, DOJ refers to the California Department of Justice. The General is in charge of the DOJ. In keeping with the focus on firearms...
Donating to GunWiki Hosting costs for GunWiki are presently $75/mo, and started on 1/1/09. Initial hosting was free at a friend`s co location facility, but when he...
TGW Donations If you`ve landed at this page as a result of a completed donation to TGW, thank you. Your contribution will help defray the monthly expense of hosting...
GunWiki Donor List Unless at some point the donor list becomes space prohibitive to post, I shall make a point of listing any donors (unless of course they would prefer...
Electrolysis Method of Bore Cleaning By MarvWhite, as originally posted on SKSboards. This is the Electrolysis Method of cleaning a rifle bore. Often surplus rifles...
Factors of Accuracy When you set your eyes on a target, you have established the point of aim (POA). From the moment you start to pull the trigger, hundreds of...
About Effective Range Note: This article is still being written; expect something final in a few days VERY few questions I get at gun shows are any more irritating...
The Factors Behind Recoil Recoil is a subject which has been studied by shooters ever since the first musket. There are a lot of things which affect recoil, or don...
Restoring Faded Sight Paint Phil, of SKSboards, writes: Use a whitening toothpaste brush. It`s abrasive enough to take the dirt away, but won`t completely eat the...
My favorite AR configurations Note that I don`t have all of these configurations active at this time. Some of them are actually combinations that I thought were really...
Co Ax Single Stage Press Overview I do quite a bit of 300 Winchester Magnum reloading for my long range precision shooting, back in 2014 I ended up buying a pretty...
Common Forum Abbreviations As posted on, by DarkLordIce AAMOF: As a Matter of Fact AFAIK: As Far As I Know AKA: Also Known As AOW: Any Other Weapon APB...
Forums Frequented for TGW Material Without the knowledge which is presently locked in thousands of minds, connected to a few hundred web forums, Gunwiki will never...
Free States A newbie looking at firearms discussion forums will frequently see confusing references that look like they date back to the Civil War. In gun owner circles...
5.11 Tactical Bag: Mission Rolling Duffel 5.11 Tactical`s website lists this bag`s dimensions as 30x20x13`. Doing the math, this bag`s capacity should be around...
5.11 Tactical`s ATAC A2 Flashlight Overview My review sample of this flashlight arrived on November 2nd, 2011. As of today, I`ve completed a two month evaluation...
5.11 Tactical`s ATAC Gloves 5.11 Tactical was so kind as to send my wife and I a set of their ATAC tactical gloves for review. Given that my daily life is that of...
A Review of Lee`s Perfect Powder Measure Pictures pending; hopefully the text of this review will be useful on its own The Perfect Powder Measure, by Lee Precision...
Blackhawk`s Serpa Level 3 Sig Retention Holster See also: RefBlackhawk and RefSerpa for related information I noticed Serpa holsters for the first time after getting...
The Look: The Tactical`s Ladies Polo I received is black, short sleeved. It has 3 buttons by the collar. On the left sleeve is two sections to stick your pens and...
A digital scale is recommended, with a known degree of precision. Given that trigger pull is measured in ounces, if the precision of your scale is somewhere in the...
Firearms Term Glossary This section is for defining words which gun folks take for granted that everyone knows. Common Abbreviations Common Abbreviations...
Saiga vs AK: A Comparison Given that Saiga rifles are built in Russia, and are based on Kalashnikov actions, there should be no surprise that folks like to ask how...
About GunWiki This wiki was set up after Christmas `05, when I had to ask a stupid question on a forum because I`d never actually seen a fairly comprehensive firearms...
Over the years, I`ve run across a number of interesting guns which would benefit from an overview page. While I have no shooting experience with most of these, I...
As always, click any photo in the article to zoom in Overview At the 2013 SHOT show, Craig Johnson and I met the creator of a device which designed to assist people...
Off list Lower History Introduction As most are...
In Depth Details on Various Lubricants and Cleaners Edited/moderated by Sean Newton. Additional direct and indirect contributions by PPGMD and Tempest, of Sigforums...
Lands and Grooves Some information originally taken from TiredOldFart, on This question comes up semi regularly, and in fact it is one of the very...
About California Private Party Transfers On January 1st, 1991, the state of California made it illegal, generally, to transfer a gun within California without the...
Notes about California law This page is not a substitute for reading the actual text of the laws. The best place to read California`s firearms laws is at the Department...
California Legal 1911 Carbines For years, Californians have lusted for the Tech carbine conversions for 1911 pistols. The problem is that, although it`s legal to...
About 50cal Bans in California California`s much publicised ban on 50 BMG rifles (called AB50, after the bill which lead to it) has lead to a wide misconception of...
California Approved Firearms `Is that California Approved?` is one of the first questions out of the mouths of many potential gun buyers at Californian shops and gun...
A California AR/AK `Series` Assault Weapon FAQ OLL FAQ Version 2.1 Monday 30 Jan 2006 William M. Wiese Jr. San Jose, CA [email protected] Note: You should...
Weapons which are Banned in California California essentially has two classifications of prohibited weapons, with a degree of overlap. They are: Weapons which...
I have hesitated to write a page like this in the past, because I don`t really want the legislators to see what I have to say about the mitigation of their bills....
Status Text Bill Summary Impact DEAD sb47 year 2014 SB47 Assault weapon ban Was not...
Status Text Bill Summary Impact PASSED BY VOTERS 11/8/16 Text Proposition 63 General ballot proposition. Plenty of measures. Analysis pending...
Local Gun Laws in Los Angeles (i.e. `Why can`t that be sold in Reseda?`) For some time, the disclaimers on Turners` weekly advertisements confused me. `Not available...
A Contrarian Point of View on Off List Lowers TGW`s articles on California law tend to follow what I personally consider a fairly airtight interpretation of California...
Legal Disposal of California Assault Weapons (Incomplete) For one reason or another, periodically people wish to dispose of assault weapons in California. The path...
Interesting Exceptions in CA law Assault Weapons As documented in Bill Wiese`s AR/AK FAQ, the only AR`s and AK`s which are `assault weapons` are the ones on...
A Gun Owner FAQ for Californians I`ve written this FAQ because there are certain questions which I answer over and over at California gun shows, and I frequently end...
Legally Configuring an HK Style Rifle in California Most folks are acquiring HK clones based on the H K 91 / G3 pattern. However, there are a number of domestic builders...
Magazine Rebuild Compatibility Chart This is the beginning of a `rebuild compatibility chart` for a wide variety of magazines, rifle and pistol. Under California...
California Laws Regarding Magazines See also: Magazine Rebuild Chart for Californians Low Capacity Magazines (10 or less) Are Unregulated Calfornia does not regulate...
About the California Military Assault Weapon Permit This is a skeleton of a pending article. MAWP`s aren`t very well documented, and I intend to correct that for...
Military Non Residents and California law Under normal circumstances a person moving to California must register any handguns brought into the state within 60 days...
A Guide to Moving to California with Guns If you`re a gun owner moving into California, it would be advisable for you to read through the LegalCalifornia section....
California Configuration Issues with Fabrique National`s PS90 and FS2000 Rifles Both the PS90 and FS2000, in their default configuration, are like a laundry list of...
California Legal Paperless Gun Transactions First off, it is not illegal to transfer certain guns without paperwork in California. However, it is vitally important...
This is a short excerpt from the California Penal Code, section 12276.1. It does not address shotguns or handguns; I will correct this deficiency later. Penal Code...
Shotguns in California Law Unless otherwise stated, all excerpts of California Penal Code are as obtained on October 29th, 2007 from the Attorney General`s Website...
Thompsons in California Amazingly enough, the Thompson is ridiculously easy to render California compliant, if you don`t mind losing some ergonomics. The Cutts compensator...
A Timeline of California Firearms Laws Based on a post from Librarian, of Calguns; subsequent additions by Sean Newton. Effective Date Bill Penal Code...
Notes about Federal Law Federal Weapon Restrictions You may not have a rifle of less than 26` overall length, or it becomes an AOW (Any Other Weapon). In most...
Sporting and Non Sporting under 922(r) Also, see the main 922(r) page ATF`s first test of `sporting` vs `non sporting` firearms was with the USAS 12 shotgun. The...
Counting Parts for 922(r) See also: Sporting vs Non Sporting Firearms The United States has a lovely bit of import law, Title 18 USC ...
The Difference between Flare and Grenade Launchers Article in progress; still identifying research points Fundamentally, the difference between a grenade launcher...
Pennsylvania Firearms Laws A friend of mine has started hassling with deciphering the laws in PA. I`m helping out a bit, and he intends to toss back what he`s learned...
A Listing of Gun Shows It`s important that anyone wishing to add to this page, keeps in mind what it isn`t . This is absolutely not going to become a gun show calendar...
Firearms maintenance procedures Generic cleaning procedure for rifle barrels Generic cleaning procedure for pistol barrels Extra steps needed to neutralize...
Firearms Measurement Tools See Also: Common Tools of Gun owners and Gunsmiths Eventually, I`ll end up putting together a bunch of articles here. However, at present...
MidwayUSA Merchant Notes MidwayUSA is more or less a well organized online Wal Mart of shooter supplies, in contrast with Cheaper Than Dirt (a badly organized online...
Definition: Milsurp Milsurp is short for `Military Surplus`. Thanks to various reasons, including the UN`s insistence on the destruction of usable firearms which...
About Miltec 1 MilTec1 `The ONLY all purpose synthetic metal conditioner and gun oil`, according to their claims official website http...
Applying New Sight Paint Hutch45, of SKSboards, writes: If you`re talking about a typical sight with white paint and not depressions that would be wiped over with...
At the 2013 SHOT show, I finally got to get some hands on time with an Olympic Arms 9mm AR. Olympic uses a blowback operated design, and its design is different from...
Magna Matic Defense is primarily notable for producing gunsmithing tools.. When I stopped by their table at the 2014 SHOT show, they had a neat lineup of tools....
At the 2016 SHOT show, I noticed Mossberg`s tool less changeable buttstock system. It`s been on the market since 2014, but this was my first real chance to get hands...
Most of the information in this post was sourced from RCI`s website, including their instruction manuals. Pictures and what I recall, are from my inspection of their...
Revision Military, best known for their Revision eyewear, has an interesting man portable modular rechargeable power system. The NERV consists of a main unit, a smaller...
Stockpile Logistics is a new (established 2013) company based out of Pahrump, Nevada. Their first product is the Bird of Prey compensator. At the SHOT show in...
Thank you for your input Your input has been forwarded to a TGW editor. Rest assured that your personal information will remain private. Please note that, although...
Abrasive Blasting in Gunsmithing Work in progress this is more of a placeholder at present. Equipment Checklist Air Compressor: You will want an air compressor...
Assembling an AR 15 Lower Receiver Because there are a number of things involved in assembling an AR 15 lower, I`ve chosen to keep each part as a distinct article...
Installing the Front Pivot Pin on an AR 15 First, drop the long detent spring into the hole on the front right side of the receiver. There are two of these springs...
Installing a B 15 Bullet Button on an AR 15 This style of magazine lock is no longer popular in California, but I still personally prefer it over most modern bullet...
Installing the AR 15 Bolt Catch Assembly This is a step by step guide to installing an AR 15 bolt catch assembly. Each of the pictures to the right can be zoomed...
Installing the Magazine Release on an AR 15 First, separate out the parts. Magazine release button, magazine release, and mag release spring. Insert the magazine...
Installing the Sporting Conversions Maglock on an AR 15 Although modern California compliance technology has evolved long beyond this point, the Sporting Conversions...
AR 15 Collapsible Buttstock Installation and Removal The instructions are nearly the same, whether you`re going forward or backward, just performed in reverse order...
AR 15 Fixed Buttstock Installation Unfortunately, although I shall describe herein and with pictures the process of installing an AR 15 fixed buttstock, I don`t actually...
Testing a Bullet Button for Failure Bullet buttons are a widespread and commonly used compliance device for AR 15`s and similar rifles in California. The AR 15 bullet...
SAFETY INSPECTION FOR THE CZ 52 PISTOL (prevent accidental discharge upon decocking on a live chamber) The CZ 52 is a fascinating pistol design, chambered for the...
Cleaning Deposits from Reloading Bins If you`ve put any decent number of rounds through a reloading press (particularly a progressive), your bins will eventually look...
Cleaning a Vibratory Tumbler As you can see in the picture below, tumblers get dirty over time. During the process of vibratory tumbling, the media scratches spent...
Magnum Research 50cal Mag Followers Apparently, a while back, Magnum Research decided that there was a feed issue with the 50 Action Express magazines. Specifically...
Fitting a Loose Kydex Grip to a CA 94 For Christmas 2011, I received a Solar Tactical grip wrap for my Coharie Arms CA 94 MP5 clone. Unfortunately, the CA 94`s pistol...
Fixing a G3 / PTR 91 Magazine By Rorschach, of Calguns The purpose is to lock a 10 round magazine in unlisted HK style weapons, thus complying with the requirements...
Installing an Accu Wedge Ever since I got into the AR 15 scene, I`ve seen a LOT of people expressing great concern about wanting their upper and lower receivers to...
Installing a Harris Bipod on a Saiga Unfortunately for Saiga owners, Harris doesn`t make any standard bipod mount for the Saiga rifle. Most folks would simply drill...
Installing a Used Front Sight Base onto a New AR 15 Barrel This article is a work in progress. Check back soon for more information. Synopsis Century Arms has...
Installing a Kushnapup Stock onto a Saiga 12 When Bjorn Muller`s Kushnapup stock was announced, it generated plenty of interest in the Saiga world. Progress towards...
Installing a Phase 5 Extended Bolt Release (EBR) See also: Installing the AR 15 Bolt Catch Assembly Whenever I read EBR, I think `Evil Black Rifle` a phrase which...
Reviewing and Installing the DPMS Receiver Rug After my stuck primer experience, I`ve been keeping primer jams in mind when shooting my AR`s. It`s not like I could...
As has become tradition, my Labor Day 2012 gathering turned into a gunsmithing party. The HK USP 40 Compact which I bought recently came with an extended magazine...
Making an AK 47 Bolt Catch It`s worth mentioning that the common AK 47 does not have an automatic bolt hold open mechanism. New AK`s may appear to have a manually...
Making Time to Reload Article in progress One of the most common excuses given for not getting into reloading, is that there just isn`t enough time to set aside...
ATF Standard Method to Measure Barrel Lengths This is ATF`s standard method for measuring the length of gun barrels it has been documented to be the case for shotguns...
MODIFYING A CZ 52 MAGAZINE TO HOLD 9 ROUNDS ( 1 from 8) Phil, of SKSboards, writes: Don`t go blind, wear safety goggles. 1) First thing to do is unlock your magazine...
MODIFYING A 40CAL CZ 75 (or Baby Eagle) MAGAZINE INTO A FULL CAPACITY 9MM MAGAZINE With the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban, most Americans are able...
The RW Hart bullet puller is a `pliers style` bullet puller. While you can order it directly from Hart, most folks tend to buy or hear about these tools via MidwayUSA...
About Recrowning Barrels I am by no means an expert on recrowning barrels, but there are a few ways to do it. It`s possible to recrown a barrel with sandpaper and...
Separated Primers in AR 15s There`s a reason that military brass usually has crimped in primers. That reason, is that a primer floating around inside of your AR...
Removing the Flash Hider from an HK93 pattern Rifle Credit: Doug, aka m1a1driver of Calguns, and SeanNewton My friend Doug wanted to be able to use detachable magazines...
Slugging a Barrel To `slug` a barrel, is to push a soft lead slug through it and then measure the diameter of the slug afterwards. The advantage of this is that you...
The CZ 97B is a double stack 45ACP pistol with a double stack magazine. The standard capacity for this pistol is 10 rounds, which makes it an excellent choice for...
As has become tradition, my Labor Day 2012 gathering turned into a gunsmithing party. I quickly realized that I hadn`t yet stripped down the HK USP 40 Compact which...
How to Remove a Stuck Case from Sizing Die The Problem If you manage to wedge a casing into a die so badly that its rim gets torn off by your press when you try to...
Tumbling Brass Granted, there are plenty of ways to clean brass. That having been said, this article isn`t about the other methods. It`s simply about some of the...
Shooting Ranges in California Name Address City Phone Hours Notes Shooting Center 5590 Ruffin Road San Diego 858 279 7233...
Recommended Build Party Guidelines Note: This article still needs polish; it started off as `idea hamstering` for the disclaimers at the bottom. Potential Legal...
Recommended Modifications for the Century PAR 1 The Century Arms PAR 1 pump action AK`s were plagued with performance problems related to their conversion to pump...
Modifying the Kel Tec SU 16 For other SU 16 related articles, visit About the SU 16 The question of modifying the Kel Tec SU 16 comes up mostly in California, where...
308 AR Compatibility Chart There are several manufacturers of 308 caliber AR family rifles now. Most of them will interchange with one system or another, and it can...
The AK Family General Overview In military applications, the AK 47 is a select fire weapon first introduced in 1947 by Mikhail Kalashnikov. In civilian applications...
AR 15 Buttstock Reference When dealing with the AR 15, some folks have issues with installing the buttstock. This article gives an overview of the way buttstocks...
Iron Sights for the AR 15 Platform The vast majority of AR rifles presently produced, do not come with built in sights. Instead, their upper receiver has a flat picatinny...
Replacement Nuts for the ARMS #40 Rear Flip Up Sight It`s fortunate that, because the ARMS #40 picatinny mount rear sight`s mounting nut can be easily lost, it is...
Running an AR 15 in 22 Long Rifle See also: 223 Remington vs 5.56mm vs 22 Long Rifle. Conversion kits vs Dedicated Upper Fjold, of Calguns, brought up that the 22LR...
Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf See also: Reloading for 50 Beowulf Related discussion forum: To answer the most frequently asked questions...
Alexander Arms 6.5mm Grendel Arms is the primary source for 6.5 Grendel uppers. Baer puts out uppers and complete rifles. Defence sells complete Grendel...
About 6.8SPC on the AR 15 The 6.8SPC uses a different magazine (although I`ve heard of successful modification of 5.56mm mags for 6.8SPC, all attempts at this I`ve...
AR 15s Chambered in 9mm See also: Analysis of a Rock River Arms 9mm upper Current production 9mm AR 15 Vendors Bushmaster puts out a Carbon 15 based 9mm AR...
AR furniture pricing I`m slanting this article towards AR furniture. The AR platform allows a truly ridiculous level of accessorizing, and my primary interest lies...
Firearm Related Abbreviations Also, check the Common Gun Forum Abbrevations list. AOW Any weapon restricted by a ban which is NOT the assault weapon ban ATF Bureau...
A Guide to Markings Found on AK 47`s Romanian AK Markings The red `G` marking on the side of the rear sight base on Romanian AK 47 kits (`Romy G kits`, as they are...
Annealing Techniques and Equipment Annealing is the process of heating brass necks so that it loses its rigidity, becoming pliable. To the reloader, this is desirable...
AR Platform Buffer Systems In conventional AR series weapons, the buffer system consists of three main parts and a detent for retention purposes. There are certain...
AR 15 Weapons Platform Family Major AR Family Members The AR 15 is the most commercially successful of the AR family. The M 16 is simply a select fire version...
About Blackhawk Blackhawk is a Virginia based manufacturer of law enforcement and tactical gear. It`s the outgrowth of a garage business started by a Navy SEAL named...
Blackhawk`s Belt Pouch Holster See also: Locked Unloaded Concealed Carry (LUCC) Back in November `08, the folks at Blackhawk sent me one of their pouch holsters...
223 / 5.56mm Brass Reference 223 brass is generally primed with a standard Boxer Small Rifle primer. There`s a slight difference between the 223 and 5.56mm cartridges...
5.45x39mm Brass Reference This caliber is, as of December 2008, unavailable in Boxer primed brass as far as the collective knowledge of the internet seems to go....
6.8SPC Brass Reference If you`ve got a mixed collection of 6.8SPC brass, you should sort out your cases based on the primer size. Hornady`s brass is primed with small...
Brass reference for 7.62x39mm 7.62x39mm should only be loaded in batches sorted by headstamp. There are two reasons for this: While Federal uses small rifle...
Armory USA`s Bulgarian Imported AKs All information and research by ShooterDave; editted and formatted by Sean Newton I did some research on the Bulgarian AK known...
Local places to buy Powder and Primers in California Buying powder and primers online tends to incur hazardous material handling fees. Because of this, it is frequently...
About the Interactive Caliber Conversion Application To use the application, here. To read about it well, keep reading. Usage Instructions This section is strictly...
An Overview of Chronographs What Chronographs Do A chronograph is a device via which you can find out how fast your bullets are travelling. This is useful to the...
Brass Component Reference Guide One of these days, I intend to expand this to a headstamp database. I don`t care what the history of any given cartridge is; all I...
Conecealing Firearms Containers Holsters are one way of carrying firearms, either in the open or concealed. However, there is another category of firearms transport...
Caliber Conversions on the Dillon 650 See also: Interactive Caliber Conversion application! I should note that this is mostly taken from the back of Dillon`s...
`Ed`s Red` Revisited I came across this recipe when researching the lubricants article. According to the article, ER will damage most wood finishes if left on...
Tactical Electronics Revision Military`s NERV Center Power Pack Reloading Related
FFL Logbooks First off, this section pertains only to holders of Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs). This does include Curio and Relic FFLs. Firearms acquired and disposed...
General Shooting Gear and Apparel Apparel Please do not confuse this with the Holsters section. Shirts 5.11 Tactical`s Ladies Polo Gloves 5.11 Tactical...
Installing and Removing Buttstocks on HK91 pattern rifles I`ve gotten a fair number of search terms for this over the years, and have finally gotten around to doing...
Types of Handgun Holster Ever since handguns became widely used, there has been a desire for convenient means of carrying them at the ready. Holsters may have begun...
80% Builds Polymer80 Glock Compatible Pistol Frames
Locked Unloaded Concealed Carry Article status: near final draft; open to input Substantial refinements re: school zones brought about as a result of discussion...
Regarding Covering Firearm Serial Numbers in California This article arose as a direct result of Calguns` Lormic answering a question on covered serial numbers during...
Links to Powder Manufacturers Name Website Load data Notes Accurate Here Owned by Ramshot since 2004 Alliant...
The `Range Safe Mag Lok`, from Sporting Conversions Although this is by no means a new product, the Sporting Conversions magazine lock was the first popular AR...
This article is a stub, intended primarily to serve as a linking point for articles on CZ firearms CZ is a name which may be applied to a variety of Czech made...
This article is a stub, intended primarily to serve as a linking point for articles on HK firearms HK is a German gun manufacturer, probably best known for the iconic...
Military is a company mostly known for protective eyewear, including the Batlskin helmet. They also produce laser protective glasses. Revision was founded in...
This article is a stub, intended primarily to serve as a linking point for articles on S W firearms Smith and Wesson is a name which has, until recent time, mostly...
This is primarily a stub article, meant to provide cross referencing between various wiki articles. Para Ordinance actually licensed ZM`s LR 300 rifle design for their...
The Monsterman Grip This article is a placeholder; it will include pictures of the current generation Monsterman grip, plus the infamous `web of the hand` diagram...
Organizing your Reloading Workspace By effectively organizing your reloading area, you can reduce the number of separate steps which must be taken in order to accomplish...
There have been two models of the Polymer80 frames so far: The Spectre (PF940, aka v1) and PF40c Model Compatibility PF940: Gen3 3 pin versions of 17,...
Pro Defense puts out a line of AR accessories, less lethal options, etc. Their website is defense home.html It seems that their...
Article by Sean Newton, photos by Mark Liu. This is a quick overview of the Fast Pull from Pro Defense. In the picture to the left, we see the collection of parts...
Projectile Naming RefAbbreviations Looking through a list of projectiles on an online store can be confusing. Certain things are fairly obvious for instance, the...
A Reference on Reloading Introductory Materials Intro to Reloading Projectile Naming Abbreviations, essential reading if you don`t know FMJ from BTHPW/C...
50 DTC EDM / 510 DTC Europ Related: California 50 BMG Ban and Popular Workarounds I`ve done a fair amount of reading on this caliber, and when the Internet paper...
Notes on 50 Beowulf Reloading Overview 50 Beowulf is a nice, big, fun sledgehammer of a round developed by Alexander Arms. Although it`s available in other platforms...
Notes on Reloading 5.7x28mm It`s reported that 25% or so of the cases get their mouths crushed when belling, at each load. I have not experienced this myself...
7.5x55mm Swiss It`s a bit tough to find basic plinking information for this caliber. But, be aware that the projectiles used in this round are .308 caliber. SeanNewton...
A reference on 7.62x45mm Czech Overview The 7.62x45mm is a collector`s cartridge. Only the Czechoslovakian VZ 52 was chambered in it, although the Indonedian Sabhara...
About the Various Reloading Die Vendors Anyone trying to reload a common caliber, such as 223 or 308, will notice that there`s no shortage of vendors offering dies...
An Introduction to Reloading Almost every modern centerfire caliber is meant to be reloaded. Some, however, are harder to reload than others. Although many are primarily...
A Comparison of Reloading Machine Capabilities Metallic Reloading Machines Name Die Type Die Stations Press type Auto Index Priming Swaging...
A Beginner`s Reloading Gear Checklist A common question from newbies is, `What do I actually need, in order to get into reloading?` The answer is varied, but there...
Gunwiki`s Path on Respiratory Safety Disclaimer: See a Professional There are a lot of different philosophies regarding respiratory safety. Ultimately, you should...
If there was anything at the 2014 SHOT show which I deemed utterly unnecessary but highly desirable in my civilian life, it was the Sage Ordnance BML 37. The BML...
At the 2014 SHOT show, the helpful folks at Sage Ordnance had a lot of interesting large bore firearms. Although launchers aren`t necessarily firearms in all cases...
About the Serpa System See also: RefBlackhawk and GearSerpaL3Sig for related information Serpa holsters are Blackhawk`s line of weapon retention holsters...
An Overview of the Suhl 150 Notice: Because of the lack of authoritative sources, this article is just a compilation of things I`ve learned when reading internet...
About TAPCO Tapco, according to an employee, stands for The American Parts COmpany. Because its name is an acryonym, its name should be used in all capital letters...
Determining the Age of an EAA Witness Changes by Date Range Year Event 1980s Anecdotal time that the AE prefix started on the serial numbers....
Known Issues with the EAA Witness This article is a compendium of information gathered from the internet. Please take it as intended as a list of things to check...
Reloading Cost Analyzer Number of grains of powder in your load: Item Qty Price Per Unit Bullet Powder lbs Primer...
Reloading notes from Grammaton76 These are mostly semi auto experiences. Most of the non functioning loads would probably work just fine in a bolt action rifle though...
A Review of the MagnetoSpeed Chronograph Update: As of 2/4/15, I have received a review sample of the new v3 MagnetoSpeed chronograph. The present review covers the...
The Rules of Gun Safety In addition to these, bear in mind that if you`re too tired or irritated to follow these rules, you probably shouldn`t be handling a gun at...
SAFETY WARNINGS FOR SPECIFIC FIREARMS This section is for safety and reliability enhancing modifications to specific firearms. This is not the place for `never leave...
Please be aware that this is an overview, and not a review. I have not had a chance to use this tool, so I can`t give any honest evaluation of performance or suitability...
About GunWiki`s Q A column The questions which people ask Yahoo or Google, which subsequently lead them here, are a good source for the kind of information which writers...
Search Terms for May 2007 Articles Written or Updated in response to these questions RefARcal50beowulf, updated the 50 Beowulf page to include a summary of the...
Search Terms: June 2007 Ultimately, it`s the goal of TGW to know everything. But until then, the best way for it to grow in usefulness is for articles to get written...
Search Terms: July 2007 This month was part of the backlog of questions, which actually turned out to be for my benefit. I`m actually writing this after having completed...
Search Terms: August 2007 Ultimately, it`s the goal of TGW to know everything. But until then, the best way for it to grow in usefulness is for articles to get written...
Search Terms: September 2007 Ultimately, it`s the goal of TGW to know everything. But until then, the best way for it to grow in usefulness is for articles to get...
Search Terms: October 2007 This is a list of search terms which I believe deserve answers (or better answers than they received when the user clicked on them). I...
Search Terms: November 2007 This is my first month using my new search query analyzer, which runs around midnight every night and sends me all the searches which have...
Search Terms: December 2007 My search term analyzer has gotten better, and procedures are materializing for tracking `wish list` articles... life is good and getting...
Search Terms: January 2008 Articles Written or Updated in response to these questions LegalCaliforniaDisposalOfAssaultWeapons, `transfer` section added. Brief...
Search Terms: February 2008 Articles Identified as Needing Written 17hmr2 vs 22lr : An interesting question for the `Caliber vs Caliber` file. Brief Answers...
Search Terms: March 2008 Articles Written in Response to These Questions ProcArCollapsibleButtstockInstallRemove, which covers the installation and removal of...
Search Terms: April 2008 Articles Identified as Needing Written what parts of an ar 15 need lubricated : Very good question. steyr aug ar 15 conversion...
Search Term Q A: May 2008 Articles Written or Updated in response to these questions About 50cal Bans in California Questions which Need Answered ak barrel...
GunWiki Q A: June 2008 Questions which Need Answered upper receiver action block : I need to take some pics of what one of these looks like, and how to use...
GunWiki Q A: July 2008 Articles Modified or Added in Response to These Questions RefAR15Buttstocks now includes what might happen if you left out the buffer...
GunWiki Q A: August 2008 Articles Modified or Added in Response to These Questions Answers In Progress fs2000 front grip : I should take some pictures of where...
GunWiki Q A: September 2008 New idea... if you want to see the raw queries, click here. In this file, only the responses will reside. Articles Modified or Added...
GunWiki Q A: October 2008 As last month, if you want to see the raw queries, click here. In this file, only the responses will reside. Articles Modified or Added...
GunWiki Q A: November 2008 As last month, if you want to see the raw queries, click here. In this file, only the responses will reside. Articles Modified or Added...
GunWiki Q A: December 2008 As last month, if you want to see the raw queries, click here. In this file, only the responses will reside. Articles Modified or Added...
GunWiki Q A Raw feed To anyone who stumbles into this page... the information you`re looking for isn`t here. This article is just a check list of search queries that...
Shopping Pointers for the AR 15 Family California Legality Kits The Monsterman grip replacement, for gripless builds. War Shooters http...
Shopping for Reloading Supplies First off, if you`re looking for either technical or introductory material, hit the reloading reference page. This page is about how...
So, You Got Your First Gun A neophyte who has just acquired their first gun (or first pistol, or first rifle) should apply these steps in this order: Learn and...
About Socal Guns Socal Guns is a local gun store chain in San Diego, California. It stocks a fair amount of milsurp weaponry and seems to be C R friendly. They also...
Where to find Gunwiki in Social Media Gunwiki`s primary channel of information is on the site itself, Notifications for the fans regarding new...
At the 2014 ShotShow, one of the first booths I came upon was #20126. Unfortunately I haven`t been able to find the name of the company which had this booth, but...
Air Compressors in Gunsmithing Air compressors are useful on a household or workshop capacity, however they`re one of the tools which the average gun hobbyist is capable...
The topic of transporting firearms in California is a very broad one, and there are a lot of up to date sites which are covering it in depth. I feel there`s little...
Troubleshooting This section is for addressing known issues which arise with specific weapons and weapon families. Rifles Century Arms PAR 1 (pump action AK...
Round Vs Round Article Index Folks are always looking for fairly objective analysis of one round against another. While it is impossible to perform a truly apples...
Gun Vs Gun Article Index What you shouldn`t expect to find in these articles is a clear cut `This is a better gun than that` answer. It will almost never happen, because...
The very similar R8 and TRR8 revolvers have left a few folks, including myself, wondering what the difference between the two is. I recently acquired an M P R8, so...
Generic AR 15 vs FN PS90 See also: P90 vs PS90 This article is still under development The question of which rifle is better, comes up periodically. The two rifle...
Generic AR 15 vs Kel Tec SU 16 This article is still under development The question of which rifle is better, comes up fairly often. Usually it`s someone attempting...
M1A vs AR 10 vs SR 25 vs PTR 91 `Which 308 platform should I get into?` is a big question on folks` minds. At present, this article is a dumping ground for miscellaneous...
FN Herstal P90 vs FN Herstal PS90 See also: Generic AR 15 vs FN PS90 Barrels The PS90 has an 8 groove, 1:7 right handed twist barrel with 14.8` of rifling. By...
.17 HMR 5.7X28mm SS197SR Bullet Diameter (in) 0.172 0.224 Case Diameter @ Base (in) 6.0mm, 0.238in 7.9mm, 0.311in Overall Length (in) 34.3mm...
223 Remington vs 5.56mm NATO, and touching on 22 Long Rifle 223 Remington, 5.56mm NATO, and 22LR are somewhat inter related calibers. 22LR can also travel down...
9mm vs 40S W vs 45ACP Specifications (Ball park ranges not load specific) Below are ranges commonly found for each caliber. The majority of the information comes...
GunWiki `Want List` There are many articles which I don`t have the knowledge to write. There are others where I have the knowledge but presently lack the time or...
us on Facebook to see new articles as they`re written Welcome to GunWiki. If you`d like to join and write for the fame and notoriety it may bring, you are absolutely...
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