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Search Terms: January 2008

Articles Written or Updated in response to these questions

Brief Q&A

  • acquiring ffl c&r log book: Order it from Brownells.
  • cheytac ca legal: As long as the rifle is SB23-compliant and not listed, sure. Since all the 408 Cheytac rifles I'm aware of are bolt action and well over 26" in overall length, it would be pretty hard to have an illegal 408 Cheytac rifle.
  • saiga rifles,pronounce: Best way to find this out is to hit Youtube. The guys who work at the Saiga plant, do not pronounce it as "Say-gah". It's pronounced "Sigh-gah"
  • u-15 stock for sks: The U-15 stock is only available for AR-15 rifles.
  • bullet drift small vs large caliber: Drift is a function of wind speed, the bullet's aerodynamic coefficient, and velocity. Generally speaking, larger bullets drift less than smaller bullets when they're moving at the same speed, simply because they have more weight behind them. However, an aerodynamically smooth smaller bullet travelling at a higher velocity will drift far less than a slow-moving sledgehammer of a bullet, given the same amount of time in the air.

Articles Identified as Needing Written

  • armscorp .22 semi-auto 22lr rifle: Need a good disambiguation article, describing the Armscorp AK-22 and AR-22 (or whatever they call it) rifles.
  • grenade california law: Basically, "no". But, I should write a nice, in-depth answer.
  • how to remove gun powder from bullets: Yep, I need to write this...
  • recycle gun shell casings: I should write something about brass prep and safe recycling, and the differences between readily reloadable and not. But, also note that 22LR cases can be used as 55gr 223 jackets with the right swaging setup.
  • how to measure diameter of a bullet: This would be a good article to write, with pics of how to hold it in the calipers.
  • illegally bring ar-15 into california: VERY DUMB IDEA, if indeed the AR-15 is illegal in CA. However, if it's off list, things are fine. I need to write a ready recognition guide in the Moving to California article...
  • armor piercing round anatomy: I need to get around to doing a few diagrams for this...
  • transfer of assault rifle california: See LegalCaliforniaDisposalOfAssaultWeapons
  • how to tell corrosive ammo .50 bmg: Good question; may as well forget the BMG part of it, but a universal answer would be good.

-- SeanNewton - 07 Jan 2008

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Topic revision: r10 - 04 Jan 2010 - SeanNewton
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