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Gunwiki's Political Timeline

This site is by NO means providing legal advice, and NO warranty, express or implied, is provided that these mirrored sections of law are in fact accurate or current. The law changes regularly, and this is only a research tool.

Why Mirror?

  • Locally linked citations mean that if the law changes, it's easy to review all the articles citing that law for continued validity.
  • Sites change regularly; URLs change and links break. It is not good for the gun community when broken links discourage readers from performing their own legal research.
  • Some content is prone to vanish. The Bardwel NFA archive is a prime example of this - it seems to have several partial mirrors on the internet, and no primary site, making citations difficult.
  • Some content primarily gets passed around on message boards. ATF letters, while considered authoritative, are not collated and distributed via any governmental source. The more of these letters which can be pulled into a cohesive archive, the better.

Mirroring Policy

  • Full attribution. Each bill, executive order, or regulation listed on this site will include a link to its original source, which should be considered more authoritative. Users are encouraged to follow that link instead of relying solely upon the mirrored copy on this site. It is not the intention of this site to interfere with the traffic of other sites.
  • No editorial or commentary within the document. The Gunwiki web is for commentary and analysis. This web is solely for tracking actions and dates, not discussing their impact.
  • All mirrors must maintain a timestamp. The timestamp should be the date at which the text was copied from the authoritative site. This is important so that the mirrored copy may be updated correctly as laws change.

Federal Section

Federal Bills

Bill Status Last Check Introduced Notes
HR 34 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/03/17 Rescind Federal gun-free school zone laws, but not prevent state laws on gun-free school zones.
HR 38 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/03/17 Full national reciprocity of CCW's for all CCW permit holders. (States which do not issue permits and do not allow constitutional carry would be exempt)
HR 62 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/03/17 Hire 200 more BATF agents (the opposite of HB 509)
HR 163 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/13/17 Repeal gun manufacturers' protections against liability suits for criminal misuse of their firearms.
HR 256 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/04/17 Provide that dependents of military members are allowed to purchase firearms in the state their sponsor is stationed in?
HR 358 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/06/17 Seems to establish Federal "bright line" safe transport standards for interstate transport of firearms despite local regulations.
HR 367 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/09/17 Hearing Protection Act of 2017, ending the NFA status of suppressors, House bill.
HR 445 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/11/17 Provide Federal money for gun buybacks.
HR 509 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/12/17 Abolish the ATF and move its responsibilities to the FBI and other agencies.
HR 788 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 02/01/17 Facilitate the use certain of Federal land as public target shooting areas.
HR 810 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 02/01/17 Affects trafficking of guns. Seems to add additional sentence enhancements for criminals caught selling guns?
HR 861 Active 4/25/17 06/09/17 02/03/17 Terminates EPA 12/31/18. EPA regulations on lead ammunition and ranges could be affected.
SB 59 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/09/17 Hearing Protection Act of 2017, ending the NFA status of suppressors, Senate bill
SB 159 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 01/17/17 Countermand "Operation Choke Point", which instructs banks to treat firearms dealers as high-risk industries.
SB 373 Active 3/6/17 06/09/17 02/14/17 Produce a report upon hearing loss and tinnitus due to small arms fire. Likely related to the HPA.
SB 1541 Active 7/12/17 7/27/17 7/12/17 Redefined "antique firearm" from 1899 and earlier to 100 years prior (a rolling window like C&R)

2A-relevant Presidential Executive Orders

Sourced from
Date Subject Notes
06/9/17 Last checked Last checked date; no noticeably 2A-impacting executive orders issued since the one below up until this point.
02/24/17 Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda Requires that each agency devote personnel to reducing excess regulations.
01/30/17 Presidential Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs Affects ATF firearms regulations, among others.

State Laws

If any given state gets a few entries, it can get split out. For the moment, rather than creating an entire header for one or two bills we're tracking, I'd rather keep one "state bills around the country" table.

State Bill Introduced Status Notes
California SB497 2/16/17 Signed 10/14/17 Apply '1 per 30 days' rule to all firearms, not just handguns. Exemption for hunters buying non-handguns.
California AB 103 5/15/17 Signed 6/27/17 Extends the assault weapon registration deadline from January 1 2018, to July 1st 2018. Generally renders anyone with an outstanding warrant, a prohibited person as if they had already been convicted of the crime.
California AB 757 2/15/17 Safety Committee-frozen 4/4/17 Establishment of self defense, etc as 'good cause' for CCW in CA.
California AB 424 2/9/17 Signed 10/14/17 Remove school administrators' authority to exempt individuals from 626.9.
California AB149 1/10/17 Signed 10/14/17 Require that individuals are specifically warned, prior to pleading to felony offenses, that this forfeits their gun rights.
California SB710 3/27/17 Hearing cancelled 2/24/17 Delete felony in 33410 for possession of suppressors, permit suppressed hunting. Unclear if other prohibitions remain.
New Hampshire SB12 1/5/17 Signed 2/22/17 Constitutional Carry w/o permit in New Hampshire
Utah HB 198 1/25/17 Signed 3/23/17 Reduce the age for concealed carry permit eligibility from 21 to 18.

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Topic revision: r30 - 25 Oct 2017 - SeanNewton
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