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Transfer FFLs for Off-List Rifles in CA

This list is absolutely, by no means, an authoritative list of all FFLs willing to transfer off-list rifles in California. FFLs will only be listed here if it is with their express consent, and to that end, I am personally and exclusively maintaining this list; any added via other editors will be backed out unless I can confirm that the dealer consents to the listing. This is because some dealers have stopped transferring off-list lowers after being publicly "outed", and quiet transfer dealers tend to eventually become bolder unless they get scared off in the meantime.

Known non-transferring dealers are not as protected; other editors may add to that list. However, if I get a store contacting me to say they actually ARE transferring, I'll be happy to reverse that. This is mostly a guide to which stores not to harrass about performing transfers.

Current Transferring Dealers

Name Address City Phone # Email Notes
Ade's Gun Shop 225 S Tustin St Orange CA 714-744-3373   Unusual but regular hours; call first, don't just show up. Stopped transferring Saigas a while back.
Ammo Brothers 15961 South Piuma Ave Cerritos CA 562-865-3980   Stocks and transfers (AR's and AK's)
Arlington Firearms PO Box 621 Colfax CA 916-531-6153 Transfers OK, open by appointment only
Bright Spot Pawn 9075 Mission Blvd Riverside, CA 951-360-1796   Transfers and stocking dealer
Cold War Shooters ??? Highlands, CA and Texas retail stores 915-479-8557 DROSes done via their retail Highlands store and a CA-wide network of FFLs

Off-line dealers

Name Address City Phone # Email Notes
The Gun Exchange 2902 Almaden Expy San Jose, CA     Lost FFL; no news on when they'll regain it.

Known Non-Transferring Dealers

  • American Shooting Center, San Diego: Will not transfer, but they don't mind OLL's on their range.
  • Iron Sights, Oceanside: Will not transfer, but they don't mind OLL's on their range.
  • Socal Gun, San Diego: Will not transfer, and will lecture you that you're going to jail (multiple stories plus personal experience).
  • Turners Outdoorsman: Although there are reports that a couple of stores have transferred OLL's, it is the overall store policy to avoid OLL's.

-- SeanNewton - 25 Mar 2006

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Topic revision: r10 - 15 Mar 2008 - SeanNewton
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