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Phil, of SKSboards, writes:

Don't go blind, wear safety goggles.

1) First thing to do is unlock your magazine floorplate & slide it forward a little. About 3 mm should do.

2) Load up the magazine with 9 rounds and look to see if there is any coil overlap in the magazine itself. If there is, then this home-brew Hi-cap probably isn't a good idea.

3) With 9 rounds in the magazine, there will be about 6mm of the rear portion of the magazine follower sticking out below the floorplate. Measure this & keep a note of how much is sticking out.

4) Take 1 round out of the magazine to restore it to the original 8 rd capacity then, with the mag upside-down, carefully remove the floorplate & spring.

5) Measure the depth from the bottom of the magazine to the bottom of the rear part of the follower inside the mag. This should be 5mm if your mag followers are the same size as mine.

6) Add the 5mm to the previous measurement of mag follower and you have the amount you need to cut off in order to fit the extra round.

7) Cut that length of the mag follower off and add a slight bevel as in the original to prevent the spring from hanging up on the follower.

8) Smooth out all the cut edges.

9) Re-assemble the magazine.

Now I loaded up the magazine with 9 live rounds then cycled them by hand through the weapon HOWEVER, I had a broken FIRING PIN which was OUT OF THE PISTOL at the time, so I had no risk of negligent discharge. I recommend doing something similar before hitting the range just to make sure you have the snags worked out of the magazine and it cycles properly. But do it without a firing pin if you hand cycle it at all. With this modified magazine alone, I shot several boxes of S&B FMJ with no problems at all.

  • CZMag01.jpg: 9rd magazine, without spring or floorplate

  • CZMag02.jpg: Mag follower, afterwards

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg CZMag01.jpg r1 manage 32.2 K 12 Jan 2006 - 00:03 SeanNewton A 9 rd capacity magazine without the spring or floorplate.
JPEGjpg CZMag02.jpg r1 manage 123.6 K 12 Jan 2006 - 00:03 SeanNewton Mag follower, afterwards
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Topic revision: r4 - 14 Feb 2008 - SeanNewton
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