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Preparing a Parts Kit for Installation


AK parts kits tend to come in a big box, having been demilled to BATF specifications. While some parts kit suppliers perform the steps below FOR you, this is fairly uncommon and it tends to involve extra expense. To that end, I'm writing this article on the recommended methods of preparing your parts kit for a build. This is an article in progress - right now, this is only a skeleton. I intend to first complete the demil process on my friend's AK, then start on my own and take pictures at each step.


  • Wipe down the parts kit - they're usually stored in grease, which will wind up all over your clothes.
  • Trigger Guard rivet removal guide.
  • Grind down the rivets on the front and rear trunion.
  • Make an incision down the front part of the receiver's frame; this allows you to pop off the receiver in two neat halves. Do not do this on the rear part of the receiver, as the wood is usually right up against the metal.
  • Pop off the bits of the old receiver. Repeat on front and rear, same procedure.
  • NOT DONE YET - Drill or press out the old rivets. May need more tools.

-- SeanNewton - 11 Apr 2006

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Topic revision: r6 - 13 Nov 2007 - SeanNewton
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