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Search Terms: December 2007

My search term analyzer has gotten better, and procedures are materializing for tracking 'wish list' articles... life is good and getting better.

Articles Written or Updated in response to these questions

  • VersusRound223vs556vs22lr, about the differences between 223 Remington, 5.56mm, and 22 Long Rifle
  • RefHK91Buttstocks, covering the installation/removal process for buttstocks on HK91 / PTR-91 rifles.
  • FactorsOfAccuracy, added a bit about the difference between heavier and lighter bullets.
  • AboutSu16, determined the SU-16's 1:9 twist rate wouldn't function well with 77gr bullets.

Articles Identified as Needing Written

  • moly coating barnes tsx bullet: I should probably write a bit on what moly coating is, eh?
  • permanent flash hider: Added to WantList.
  • possession of 80% receiver and parts kit atf: Might be nice to have something on ATF's approval process for receivers...
  • who can purchase gun not on california doj approved list: There's a number of exemption classes, and I should probably write an article on them.
  • can military personnel buy guns in california: Yep. Certain exceptions also exist to allow them to import previously purchased assault weapons too, provided that their home of record is in a state that allows the guns in question.
  • romanian ak markings: Definitely on my want list.
  • install "bullet button" rifle: An installation guide would be nice.
  • ak47 low capacity: I should probably do an article describing the WASR-10 low capacity rifle, and detailing how they're modified into standard capacity rifles.
  • "handgun safety card", ca: There should be something about the various California handgun restrictions... HSC, drop test, LCI/MDS, transport restrictions, etc.
  • 5.45x39 parts kits: Should update the AK parts kit shopping guide to include 5.45x39mm info.
  • california police assault rifle: Because each department in California procures their own weapons, there are no uniform standards for police assault rifles. Chula Vista is reported to have P90's, San Diego and Oceanside PD's frequently have AR-15's in the center of cruisers (along with the shotguns), and other departments can do other things.
  • how to weigh a powder charge in a bullet: Need an article on various methods of pulling bullets.
  • out of state rifle purchase rules californian: This has been coming up a lot lately; need to write an article on it.

Questions Asked, and Answers Given

  • 510 ammunition brass: Sorry, you have to fire-form your own for the most part. See RefReloading50DTC
  • reload 5.56 brass 223 dies: Yes, you can do it. It won't hurt the brass any.
  • import parts kit ak ca: Yep, you can buy AK parts kits in California, with no more restrictions than in any other state. In CA, the restrictions start piling up once you build the rifle.
  • pistol grip pump vs. ak-47: Who wins? Probably whoever tries shooting from the shoulder first. If either one thinks he's better off shooting from the hip, he'll probably get shot by the one who doesn't.
  • california .22 rifle magazine laws: The only exception that 22LR rifles get to the magazine size limit, is tubular magazines. A rifle may have any size of tubular magazine it wants for 22LR.
  • kel tec su-16ca conversion 22lr: No such animal at present. The design doesn't really lend itself towards it, and an AR-15 ceiner conversion kit wouldn't fit into one either.
  • if you buy an ak47 from virginia can you bring it to california: If you're a Californian without dual residency in Virginia, you're actually committing a federal crime when you do so, in addition to any state issues. If you DO have dual residency or are moving into CA from Virginia, you're perfectly legit. Check LegalCalifornia to ensure that your rifle is off-list, and convert it to a California-compliant configuration before crossing the state lines.

-- SeanNewton - 07 Dec 2007

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Topic revision: r12 - 04 Jan 2010 - SeanNewton
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