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GunWiki 'Want List'

There are many articles which I don't have the knowledge to write. There are others where I have the knowledge but presently lack the time or inspiration too, and sometimes there are times when I just can't work myself up to dig through printouts of law without suspecting that I'll cut corners somewhere. Usually, I end up doing extensive research and then writing what amounts to an essay on my findings (see RefChronographs, for instance!). Naturally, I don't care much for writing essays, and would very much like it if other people were to take a turn writing!

To-Do List

Listed Name About
12/05 ProcTestSksSlamfire We could really use an article on testing an SKS for slam-fire hazard.
12/05 AboutGlassBedding What glass-bedding is, why it can be desirable, and a few pointers on getting started in it.
7/07 ProcDemillWeapon ATF's stance on what constitutes a properly demilled non-firearm. Important for legal compliance when destroying unreg'ed assault weapons in CA.
7/07 RefMonstermanGrip The MMG is popular in California... an article on installing, fitting (where appropriate), and holding it is desired.
??/07 LegalCaOutOfStatePurchase Checklist for CA residents, for purchasing firearms from out of state.
??/07 RefPKMDesign About the PKM - receiver thickness, trunion design, etc. Relevant to would-be builders.
8/07 ProcPaintingFirearms An overview of painting guns - including popular choices such as Duracoat.
8/07 LegalCaHandgunGuide An overview of handgun legality in CA. Acquisition, BFSC/HSC, transport restrictions, C&R limitations, 30-day limit, 'safe list', relevant exemptions, assault weapon status (and exemptions), and drop-testing should be covered.
8/07 AnatomyOfAPrimer Structure and typical chemical composition of a standard Boxer and a typical Berdan primer. Also, burn speeds.
9/07 VersusRifleSaiga308vsPtr91 Comparison of the PTR-91 and Saiga 308 rifles.
9/07 RefVz52 About the rifle and its ammunition. Include links to any forums as appropriate, and pics of my krinkle-coated rifle.
9/07 ToolAkReceiverJig Pics of a flat-bending jig, an overview of how it's used, and a mention of laser-cut flats.
9/07 LegalCaliforniaDisposalOfAssaultWeapons Disposing of unwanted California assault weapons, legally possessed or not.
9/07 RefAR15GriplessOptions The SRB, the MMG, and the U-15
9/07 AnalysisAKFcgs An analysis of various AK-47 FCG's - single+double hook Tapco G2's, Arsenal, K-Var, NDS, etc.
9/07 RefAK47GriplessOptions Truly gripless, MMG-equipped, and 'oar stock' configurations.
9/07 LegalFederalBarrelIssues What's too short, what's too long, and when it can be threaded.
10/07 FixedMagazineDesigns A description of various types of fixed magazines. Maglocks, "bullet buttons", etc. Cover AK, AR, FN, and H&K designs.
10/07 LegalFlareLaunchers What distinguishes a flare launcher from a grenade launcher? ATF specs, CA law, both are desirable.
11/07 LegalFederalFFLLog A few pics of the ubiquitous Brownells logbooks, along with sample data from mine.
11/07 LegalCaliforniaDefLoadedMagazine Definition of a loaded weapon in California, including why some folks think loaded mag = loaded weapon.
11/07 LegalCaliforniaLEGR Law Enforcement Gun Release, necessary to get a reclaimed stolen gun back to the original owner. Need some info on this.
11/07 ReloadingBerdanPrimedBrass How to deprime and reload Berdan-primed brass - also discuss converting Berdan to Boxer. Sure hope someone tackles this one so I don't have to.
11/07 LegalCaliforniaEligibility Who can own what firearms in CA - include things like LEO/Mil exemptions, etc.
11/07 ReloadingMilitaryLoadData Information on military load data for various ammunition specs.
11/07 LegalFederalPurchaseRegs Info on how the Feds view purchases, including face to face and interstate.
12/07 StandardsOfPermanance ATF's standards of permanence for muzzle devices (silver solder, pins+welding, etc) and California's standards of permanence, etc.
IM 12/07 DefBarrelHeadspacing About barrels, shims, and headspacing.
12/07 LegalFederal80PercentReceivers About 80% receivers, and wrangling for Federal approval of an 80% pattern.
12/07 LegalCaliforniaMilitaryPurchase What military folks in California are allowed to buy...
12/07 RefRomanianAkMarkings A reference on identifying Romanian AK markings.
12/07 ProcInstallArBulletButton Installing a bullet button on an AR-15.
12/07 RefAkLowCapacityRifles About the WASR-10 low capacity single stack rifle, and how they're modified into standard capacity rifles.
12/07 ProcChangeButtstockG3 About changing a G3/CETME buttstock, with pictures.
12/07 ProcPullingBullets Various ways to pull bullets - collets, kinetic pullers, and bullet pliers.
12/07 LegalCaliforniaOutOfStatePurchases The various laws governing out-of-state purchases made by Californians.
12/07 VersusRound223vs308 Comparing and contrasting 223 vs 308
12/07 RefPospScopes Typical POSP scopes, and how to adjust them
1/08 RefArmscorp22lrRifles A guide to the wide variety of 22LR Armscorp rifles, and how they shouldn't be mistaken for other rifles.
1/08 VersusRound68spcvs762x39 Another caliber comparison article.
1/08 LegalCaliforniaGrenades Basically, why you can't have them here.
1/08 RefCreateInertRounds Various ways to render bullets inert (pull, drill+fill+drain, etc)
1/08 RefDetermineShellRelease Telling whether a case is reloadable or not, and various uses for Berdan or 22LR (swage into jackets) cases.
1/08 ProcMeasureBulletCaliber Need pics of how to hold a bullet in the calipers.
1/08 AboutArmorPiercingAmmunition Need a discussion of what pierces armor, plus a diagram of a conventional bullet with a penetrator.
1/08 ProcDetermineCorrosiveAmmo How to determine if a primer is corrosive.
2/08 ProcSaigaConvertMag For the Saiga 7.62x39mm... installing a bullet guide so that AK mags can be used.
2/08 LegalCaliforniaWeaponsInCar Transport requirements for weapons in California
2/08 LegalCaliforniaGunOwnership Who is eligible to own guns in California?
2/08 VersusRound17hmrvs22lr Another caliber comparison article.
3/08 RefBodyArmor About body armor - protection levels, icepick tests, and body armor. Also, about contact shots.
4/08 RefSteyrAug Some information on the AUG, including clones, original magazines, and STANAG mag conversion kits.
4/08 ProcLubricateAr15 Where to lubricate an AR-15, with pictures. Cover the graphite lube on buffer tube threads issue too.
5/08 ProcAkBarrelTools The various AK barrel removal techniques - press, gear puller, allthread, and that really awesome hydraulic fixture the one dude imported from the eastern bloc.
5/08 RefHK91 Write overview article, and look into federal guidelines on whether or not the G3 carrier is legal in a semi.
5/08 ProcAkInstallSideRail Need an overview of how to install a side rail mount on an AK.
5/08 TheoryDetachableMagMosinNagant A page written about the possibility to modify a Mosin-Nagant to accept a PSL magazine.
6/08 ToolArUpperActionBlock Need to take some pics of this widget and do a writeup on it.
6/08 VersusRound762x39vs762x45 Some pics, as well as some info on the comparative speed, kinetic energy, etc. Also, are they the same bullet diameter?
6/08 RefAkFoldingStocks A writeup on the various types of folding stocks.
6/08 ProcRemoveAR15UpperFromLower Pics of pushing out the pivot pins and separating the two. Mention clearing the weapon first.
6/08 ProcInstallAkRearTrunion Step by step pictures of installation, using the ak-builder rivet tool.
2/09 RefBarrelDamage Types of barrel damage - scrapes, rings, corrosion, pitting, bulging, bending, and how it affects things.

If you feel like taking some articles from this to-do list, then please go ahead! Alternately, you can email your article to, and I'll put it up and credit you for your contribution.

-- SeanNewton - 03 Jan 2006

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Topic revision: r26 - 04 Jan 2010 - SeanNewton
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