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California Legislation for 2016

Status Text Bill Summary Impact
PASSED BY VOTERS 11/8/16 Text Proposition 63 General ballot proposition. Plenty of measures. Analysis pending.
SIGNED 7/22/16 Text AB 857 Require that all unserialized guns be serialized and registered. Will need to engrave serial numbers on all 80% guns, but C&R pieces and any non-handgun made prior to 12/16/1968 are exempt. § 479.102 seems to be the standard.
DEAD 4/13/16 Text AB 2459 Additional FFL licensing requirements; probably close most gun shops in CA. Prohibit home FFLs, require extensive video recording and 5yr storage, permit local governments to further restrict gun shops.
SIGNED 9/26/16 Text AB 2510 Standardize forms for CCW application throughout CA Would prevent cities from requiring psych exams or other extra obstructions not in keeping with the standard application form.
VETOED 7/1/16 Text AB 2607 Revised Gun Violence Restraining Orders Among other things, lets employers seek a GVRO and remove all of an employee's guns.
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text AB1135 Assault weapon ban; copy of SB880 Same as SB880
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text AB1511 Restructures "loan" of firearms to require FFL transfers Family members may still loan guns to each other, but no one else may loan a gun to a friend to, for instance, try it out at the range.
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text AB1695 Specifically criminalizes (perhaps enhances?) the crime of falsely reporting a firearm as stolen. Likely this is to criminalize people who claim their assault weapons were "stolen" to avoid registration.
VETOED 7/1/16 Text AB1176 Punish all firearms thefts as grand theft.  
VETOED 7/1/16 Text AB1673 Require registration of incomplete 80% firearm blanks Deemed too broad (i.e. rectangular pieces of 3/8" steel could be deemed 80% 1919 sideplates)
VETOED 7/1/16 Text AB1674 Apply one gun purchase per 30 days to all firearms, including PPT Brown vetoed based upon the chilling effect it would have on folks disposing of firearms.
VETOED 7/1/16 Text AB2607 Extend "gun violence restraining order" to employers, teachers, etc Would have enabled capricious, punitive use of GVRO's to strip gun ownership.
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text SB 880 Reclassifies "bullet button" equipped rifles as detachable magazine Requires that pretty much all bullet button equipped rifles must be registered as assault weapons. Does not affect featureless rifles.
Side effect: Registered assault weapons wouldn't need compliance devices anymore - i.e. no bullet buttons required.
VETOED 7/1/16 Text SB 894 Alter theft reporting on firearms Make it a crime to fail to report a stolen firearm within 5 days. Make it a crime to report a firearm lost or stolen when it wasn't.
DEAD 6/14/16 Text SB 1006 Establish "California Firearm Violence Research Center". Give grants for research on firearms violence. Grants are expected by pro-2A groups to go to anti-gun scaremongering vs scientific root cause analysis.
DEAD 4/20/16 Text SB 1037 Redefines statutes of limitations on many things, handguns among them. Statute of limitations changed to one year from the discovery of the transfer, but no more than five years from the act itself.
Effectively extends SOL to 5 years unless the act was discovered sooner and no charges were filed.
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text SB 1235 Expands "handgun ammunition" laws to cover all non-blank ammunition Wording “ammunition” includes, but is not limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with a deadly consequence is interesting. Magazines themselves are not fired from a firearm.
DEAD 8/29/16 Text SB 1407 "Ghost Gun" bill - serialization Starting Jul 1 2018, people must obtain a serial number prior to completing an 80% receiver.
Jan 1 2019, criminalizes possession of unserialized firearms (no exception for very old guns made without serial numbers)
Bans the sale of all guns built from 80% receivers.
SIGNED 7/1/16 Text SB 1446 Ban on possession of large capacity magazines Possession of >10rd mags becomes an infraction (not misdemeanor or felony), capped at $500.
The law does not prohibit continued possession of "rebuild kits", so the lawful path would be to disassemble any large capacity magazines and stick with 10rd magazines.

-- SeanNewton - 29 Jan 2014

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