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Armory USA's Bulgarian Imported AKs

All information and research by ShooterDave; editted and formatted by Sean Newton

I did some research on the Bulgarian AK known as the SSR85 C-2. It's based upon the Armory USA 1.6mm receiver. When the 2005 barrel ban was introduced, Armory USA got around this by importing complete Bulgarian-built rifles from the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense. These rifles, although using stamped receivers, were built from milled parts kits. The receiver was designed by a Mr. Ivan Kolev, a chief engineer at Arsenal of Bulgaria, and that is the reason behind its unconventional dimples. The rifle uses special front and rear trunnions, and a new trigger guard. The result is somewhat of a hybrid AK. They are imported with a single-stack magazine well, which is opened up to double stack after importation at Armory USA's American facility. Armory USA has 3 sets of stamping dies - 2 in the U.S. (1mm and 1.6mm), and one in Bulgaria, in 1.6mm.

The SSR85C-2 is made by ISD of Bulgaria. Where in Bulgaria, and why they were set up, is the 2 dollar question. The first SSR-85's were built with Hungarian receivers and Polish parts kits. The later versions, the SSR-56's, used a Chinese Polytech barrel on the same receiver. Some were made with Ohio Ordinance Works receivers.

-- SeanNewton - 31 Oct 2007

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Topic revision: r3 - 22 Aug 2008 - SeanNewton
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