Stripping a CZ-97B
The CZ-97B is a double-stack 45ACP pistol with a double-stack magazine. The standard capacity for this pistol is 10 rounds, which makes it an excellent choice for people residing in states with restricted magazine capacity laws.
Points of Interest
Stripping the CZ-97B
In order to strip the CZ-97B, you'll have to move the slide. You'll want to cock the hammer back pre-emptively, to make it easier.
Once the hammer is cocked, you'll want to push the slide back slightly and grip it with your hand (as shown) in order to lock it in position. Note that there's a line on the top of the slide and the frame, visible just below the rear sight. When those two lines are in alignment, your slide is in the correct position to push out the slide stop.
Without releasing the slide, you'll want to turn the gun over and press the protruding piece my thumb is over. I do recommend using your thumb so that you can put some extra force on it. On a side note, immediately behind the top of the barrel there's a small metal rod which is, in this picture, flush with the top of the slide. This is the loaded chamber indicator, which is a California-mandated safety feature. When a round is in the chamber, this indicator sticks up a little bit.
There's no need to push the slide stop in all the way. As long as it's moved a little bit, you're ready to flip the gun over and pull it out the rest of the way from the other side.
The slide stop will now be sticking out, ready to be pulled out.
The CZ-97B, with the slide stop removed. At this point, push the slide forward off until it comes off of the frame.
The frame, with the slide removed.
The slide, without the frame. We'll disassemble this shortly.
Another view of the slide. Note that the spring has a plastic guide rod. The spring isn't overwhelmingly powerful though, so don't worry about needing a special tool to reinstall it.
Before you can remove the barrel, you'll need to remove the guide rod. First press it towards the muzzle, and then lift it up. You'll note that there's a machined spot in the bottom of the barrel for the guide rod to nest on.
Keep the guide rod under a little tension, as you gently lift it up. The spring isn't particularly strong, but it could still launch itself a short distance.
Once the recoil spring and guide rod are out of the way, slide the bushing out from underneath the barrel.
As soon as the bushing is gone, the muzzle nut may be removed. This is a very mechanically interesting aspect of the CZ-97B's design. It's of particular interest to Californians, because a threaded barrel is a prohibited assault weapon feature on pistols in that state. The interesting thing is that the barrel itself isn't threaded, while the muzzle nut actually is.
Another view of the muzzle nut partially unscrewed. The fascinating thing for Californians is that if you were to construct a replacement barrel bushing with a compensator or other muzzle device on it, you'd have all of the accessory options of a threaded barrel without breaking the threaded barrel law.
The muzzle nut, separated from the slide. Note the six scallops around the edges of the nut. CZ ships a special tool with the '97B to remove it, but it's not strictly needed because the muzzle nut doesn't require a lot of tension.
To remove the barrel, lift and press forward slightly. This will unseat it, allowing it to be pulled out.
Pull the barrel up and back, and remove it from the slide entirely.
Slide, muzzle nut, and barrel, separated.
The fire control group and various other controls. According to folks I know, most of the CZ-97B's fire control parts are actually identical to CZ-75B fire control parts.
Some Points of Interest
Removing the muzzle nut. Note that you can do so without taking the slide apart first, just by pressing in on the barrel bushing to unlock the muzzle nut, then turning it as necessary.
A view of the slide, with the muzzle nut and bushing removed. Note the threading on the inside.
The muzzle nut, on its own.
-- SeanNewton - 20 Sep 2012