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Applying New Sight Paint

Hutch45, of SKSboards, writes:

If you're talking about a typical sight with white paint and not depressions that would be wiped over with a cloth, then I'd suggest Testors paint from some place like Walmart applied with a toothpick. It's difficult to do precisely and can leave a mess, but I know of no other solution that will work. It just takes a steady hand. Testors seems to me to be as good as the more expensive florescent stuff that is more costly. YMMV

Phil, of SKSboards, writes:

As for painting NEW markings on sights, I have had to do this with a few guns & I'll be doing it with my 59/66 grenade launcher sight. Get some bright white (Titanium White is the brightest) latex paint from an arts & crafts store. Using a finger, swab the paint over the whole surface of the sight, making sure to get it in the indentions. Don't leave gobs of it on there, but just enough to make sure your markings are brightened. Let it dry. When it's definitely dry, take a razor blade (the straight scraper type) and gently scrape over the entire sight. The blade will cut off all the paint besides whats in the indentions (granted, if your sight is flat, not warped or otherwise damaged.)

-- SeanNewton - 12 Jan 2006

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Topic revision: r3 - 25 Jan 2008 - SeanNewton
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